Every year dozens of emails are received from parents inquiring about their autistic child and what the best treatment was. What is the best treatment?
There is no one best treatment. Every autistic person’s journey is unique. The best treatment is individualized to the family and most importantly, the autistic person. Having an individualized treatment team for your child can address all of their unique needs.
A treatment team is a group of clinicians or health professionals who collaborate and work together to help the patient. They utilize the diversity of their knowledge in the different fields to help them.
Who can be on a treatment team? This list is flexible and not limited to occupational therapist, BCBA, psychiatrist, psychologist, speech therapists, mentors, tutors, religious leaders, guidance counselors, and teachers.
What this may look like: a child has 10 hours of ABA 4 hours of occupational, and 1 hour of speech therapy a week. It can also look like this: Another child is enrolled in a peer mentor ship program, meets an hour a week with the guidance counselor, and attends Sunday school.
Both children are utilizing services and those services are completely different from one another. What is essential in both cases is that the family has utilized the expertise from multiple fields to treat the special needs of their child. The family utilized a combination of the resources available to them by creating a treatment team.
For families who live in remote areas, virtual treatment options are available. It is wise to consider parent training to teach parents skills that help their child. This is a great option for families with limited access to therapeutic resources in their community.
You can contact Alix Generous here if you are interested in receiving parent training services to help your special needs child. She works with families all over the world to develop their own blueprint to success and equip them with compassionate evidence-based therapeutic skills to help their family.
Thanks for the post!
I find it interesting when you said that autism treatment has a team of clinicians and health professionals that collaborate together to help a patient. That is great news to hear because it means that my sister’s son will probably get the best services to help him have a better life once he is diagnosed. He has been showing signs of having autism ever since he was three years old, so my sister is going to get him checked now that he is at the right age to get a diagnosis.